3èmes Journées du GDR ChemBio
         8-9 juin 2023 STRASBOURG (France)

Programme > Jeudi 08/06

Jeudi 8/06


Accueil des participants

9:30 - 9:50

Présentation du GDR - Christophe BIOT

9:50 - 10:30

Eva JAKAB TOTH (CBM, Orléans)
Metal complexes in MRI : from lanthanides to transition metal

10:30 - 11:00

Pause café

11:00 - 11:20

DUO1 Alexia Kindler & Jessica Coulleray
Deciphering of retinoid storage and metabolic pathways using bioorthogonal chemistry-based strategies

11:20 - 11:40

CO1 Emilie Lesur (Paris Saclay)
Acides nucléiques peptidiques pour le couplage protéine-protéine via des réactions bioorthogonales de ligation et de coupure

11:40 - 12:00

CO2 Clémence Simon (Lille)
An organelle-specific photoactivation and dual-isotope labeling strategy reveals phosphatidylethanolamine metabolic flux

12:00 - 12:20

CO3 Gaëtan Mislin (Strasbourg)
Conjugates between enterobactin analogues and antibiotics, against pathogenic bacteria: The Trojan war has begun

12:20 - 14:00

pause déjeuner / posters pairs

14:00 - 14:40

Pierre PAUZE - Artiste
Corentin SPRIET (TISBIO, Lille)
Art et Science : xSublimatio : a digital drug experience as NFTs

14:40 -15:00

CO4 Patricia Busca (Paris)
Who is DLODP ? Design and synthesis of molecular tools to characterize this ophan enzyme involved Type I Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG-I)

15:00 -15:20

CO5 Arnaud Chevalier (Paris Saclay)
“CinNapht” as tunable Cinnoline/Naphthalimides fused hybrid dyes for fluorescence imaging in living cells

15:20 -16:00

Flash 1 Floriane Eshak
Identification d'épitope en utilisant des approches in silico : une étude de cas nanocorps liant le récepteur mglu5

Flash 2 Luis Vigetti
Combining surface chemistry and live imaging to decipher the minimal requirements for high-speed motility of the eukaryote Toxoplasma gondii

Flash 3 Karen Plé
Development of bio-active fluorescent probes targeting the Rho-kinase ROCK : new tools for the screening of active ingredients

Flash 4 Lucille Weiss
Fluorescent Turn-ON Detection of Bacteria with Targeted Bioconjugates

16:00 - 16:30

Pause café

16:30 - 16:50

CO6 Alain Burger (Nice)
Intermolecular Dark Resonance Energy Transfer (DRET): Applications to Fluorogenic detection of Nucleic Acids

16:50 - 17:50

Table ronde : L’enseignement de la chémobiologie en France
Animée par Dominique Guianvarc’h (ICMMO, Paris-Saclay)


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